At Private Banking 1859, our clients are our reason for being as well as our inspiration. We would like to thank you for your business and for trusting us to help you fully live your wealth.

In order to continuously improve your experience, we are conducting a client survey 4 times a year. Through this approach, we want to offer you the opportunity to share your feedback to ensure your satisfaction and meet your current and future needs.

In this context, we have mandated the research firm Medallia1 to conduct this study independently:

—  The survey invitation is sent via email and contains a personalized link to the survey (not to be shared).

—  Confidential information will not be required at any time (IDs, passwords, account numbers, credit card number, etc.).

—  The online survey is hosted on the secure servers of Medallia.

For more information about the Client Satisfaction Study, please contact your Private Banking 1859 Advisor.


We thank you in advance for your time, comments and being the source of our inspiration!

The Private Banking 1859 team

1 Medallia®, the Medallia logo, and the names and marks associated with Medallia’s products are trademarks of Medallia and/or its affiliates.